Indeed, the onslaught of the COVID-19 pandemic has been swift and ruthless. All over the world, businesses, schools, religious, and social centers have been shut down as the world goes into self-isolation to curb the spread of the virus, which currently has millions of victims

The corona effect does not spare even those in the vlogging space. As a vlogger, you find that you’re considerably limited to making videos from the comfort of your apartment. Outdoor shoots are no longer as frequent as they used to be. 

But on the bright side, since more people are indoors now, there has been a spike in internet activity, and people are spending more hours streaming videos online! 

In this article, we will reveal seven vlogging content ideas to help you keep your vlog alive during the quarantine. Also, here’s a compilation of over 100 vlogging tools and resources you may need to enhance your video blogging strategy. 

Let’s get into it. 

A Day at Home with John Doe 

Let’s just assume your name is John Doe (nice to meet you!) You can make a video to show your subscribers what a typical day looks like at your place. You can let them in on your morning or evening routines—include the things you never fail to do, along with things you usually skip and give reasons for skipping them. Try to get creative around this to spice things up. 

Your viewer’s ability to know what’s happening with you on the backstage would definitely be exciting to them. 

For example, here’s Christina Villegas’ vlog about one of her days on quarantine. 

Personal Growth 

Social distancing could be a little boring, but if you look at the bright sides of it, it is an opportunity to look within you and discover how to improve yourself. 

Give your viewers some tips about how to invest in themselves during quarantine so they can come out of it a lot better than they used to be. 

For example, if you vlog in the programming niche, you can suggest some coding languages beginners should learn during the quarantine. Just pay attention to giving value to your audience. 

Here’s an example: 

What’s up there?! (Live Chat Mode) 

You can set up a live chat with your audience to know what’s happening with them. As a vlogger, your subscribers are probably spread across different countries and time zones. You can get to know as many of them as possible, let them know what’s happening at your end, and also find out what’s happening in their respective countries. 

A lot of things can happen during a live chat, you get to share ideas, answer and ask questions, and even know what kind of content your subscribers like the most. 

Here’s a nice example: 

Promote a Good Cause 

As the pandemic continues to sweep across countries, non-profits, government bodies, and even regular folks are coming out to lend a helping hand to the less privileged. 

There are fundraisers, food and safety kit donations, etc., going on everywhere. 

You can be a part of this within your locality, and yes, documenting it for your blog will be a marvelous idea. Your viewers will find it inspiring, and you’ll be making a real impact. 

Here’s an example. 

Observe Special events 

Every month has its own special days. You can choose one which you’re most comfortable with and make a vlog ‘in the spirit’ of the said event. 

For example, Children’s day is celebrated in June in many countries. You can make a piece of content around the event: Talk about the reason behind the celebration, show some DIY tricks relevant to this day, drop some hilarious or inspirational quotes about the event, etc.

In fact, there’s usually an event every day of the year! You can find events for this month here along with content ideas you can use! 

Here’s an example of the content you can make to observe Pet Owner’s Independence Day. 

Personal Grooming and Fitness 

When it comes to fitness, a lot of people want to stay in shape during the quarantine. It has become even tougher because gyms are now out of business at the moment. This is where you come in. 

If there’s a set of fitness routines/ exercises you’re doing, you can let your viewers in on that. Let them know what part of your body each exercise is targeting and encourage them to work out from home. 

Also, personal grooming can be fun to vlog about. For example, if you know a hack that can be used to give yourself a haircut, you can let your viewers in on that. If you stay with your partner, you can also let them shave your hair and see how it goes! 

You can also show them some homemade skincare system you’ve developed using things in your kitchen, bathroom, etc. 

Here’s a good example:

Another one J 

Show Them Some Sleek COVID-19 DIY Ideas and Life Hacks 

Because we no longer go out that much and panic buying has caused some shortage of supplies. Everybody wants to be creative with the stuff they already have. You can come up with some DIY ideas about essential things, such as face masks, hand sanitizers, gloves, crafts, etc. 

Here’s an example: 


Indeed, social distancing has become the order of the day. However, while it has put some limitations on freedom of movement and association, it cannot put a stop to your vlogging career if you’re determined to keep pushing. 

We hope the content ideas I’ve shared will be beneficial to you. If you’re ready to start creating, try free video editor for PC.

Good luck, and stay safe!

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